Historic Airline Group

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Company Statistics

Pilots: 23
Hours: 32,417
Flights: 11,503
Flights Today: 0
Pilots In Flight:
PAX Carried: 46,529,100
Freight Carried: 54,317,219
Miles Flown: 10,406,739
Aircraft: 90
Schedules: 10187
News Items: 1
Recruitment Status: Open


Company News

Posted by David Reed on 09/02/2024

September-October 2024




























Winter Weights

 Effective September 15, average passenger weight, including one carry-on, is 205 pounds. 






Runway Markings

 An overrun is intended for emergency use only by aircraft. A displaced threshold may be used for taxi or takeoff, but not for landing. It's primary purpose is to help provide obstacle clearance. The threshold is marked by a solid line and stripes, plus the runway ID number. A normal 3.5 degree glidepath will have you cross the threshold at 50'. The touchdown zone is 1000' long, with two bold stripes at the halfway point (1000' from the threshold). This is the aiming point for aircraft landings. Runway centerline stripes are 120' long and 80' apart.     








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Latest Flights

Flight Pilot Departure Arrival Aircraft Duration V/S Info
AAA245Bill KYPADYSSYDC9-3301.210 ft/mPending
AAA244BBill KYSSYYPADDC9-3301.460 ft/mPending
DAL736Herman KKMDWKATLDC-6B2.150 ft/mPending
NEA822David RKMIAKLGADC-6B3.350 ft/mAccepted
PAA782CBill KMPTOKMIADC8-3002.570 ft/mAccepted
AAL201Tom TKTULKOKCDC-31.050 ft/mAccepted
ACA3110AHerman KCYVRCYYCDC9-330.550 ft/mAccepted
AZA180Herman KLIRFLGATB727-2001.300 ft/mAccepted
UAL14082David RKBUFKDCAB727-1000.520 ft/mAccepted
NCA8313Tom TKRHIKGRBCV-5800.550 ft/mAccepted

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